Tag Archives: Winter 2015 Sets

Even though we’re still nearly three full months away from its arrival, merchandising for the Avengers Age of Ultron movie is in full swing and Avengers 2 fever is on the rise! I’m not immune to Avengers mania myself, so when I saw the 76029 LEGO Iron Man vs. Ultron set available online early, I jumped at the chance to grab my first LEGO Avengers Age of Ultron set! My review? LEGO 76029 is by far the cheapest set in the series–but that doesn’t mean it isn’t awesome…
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It’s only been one day since this year’s first batch of LEGO Ninjago 2015 sets went up for order, but already another new winter 2015 LEGO Ninjago set has made itself known! Though it isn’t available for order just yet–and hasn’t turned up in stores either–we now have official confirmation and our first good look at one of this year’s Ninjago polybags. It’s going to be a great potential armybuilder: it’s the LEGO Ninjago Anandondrai Battle Mech 30291!
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Considering that I spent basically the entire day yesterday blabbing about all of the new sets that went up for sale, you might think that I’ve already talked about all of the “March 2015” LEGO sets that have gone up for sale early online. But that’s not quite right! There’s one more early-released LEGO theme to talk about, and it’s a theme that’s getting its first ever wave of sets this winter: the inaugural LEGO Elves sets are now available for order online!
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I woke up this morning to the delightful surprise of finding that all of the 2015 LEGO Pirates sets had been put up for sale early–including the flagship of the line, the Brick Bounty! But, of course, those aren’t the only Winter 2015 sets scheduled for a March 2015 release that have leaked out a tad earlier than expected! No, fans of the long-running and much-loved Ninjago theme got an early Valentine’s Day present today as well, because all of the Winter 2015 LEGO Ninjago sets are also now available for order online!
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Just last night I was complaining that there hadn’t been any new LEGO sets released lately and I was going out of my mind with boredom. Well, the universe must have heard me and responded, because I woke up this morning to an absolute flood of new LEGO sets being released–almost a whole month early! Among the new sets that have popped up for sale weeks earlier than expected is one of the most beloved non-licensed themes of all-time: the LEGO 2015 Pirates sets are now available online!
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With this being a quiet week (following last week’s blitzkrieg of LEGO news), I can finally dig in and continue to look at more of the LEGO Winter 2015 sets that are due out in the next one to two months. And the sets receiving the most buzz are, of course, the LEGO Avengers Age of Ultron sets. You might say “We just got a LEGO Quinjet movie three years ago–do we really need another?” But having spent some time examining this year’s LEGO Avengers Quinjet City Chase 76032 set, I think the answer is a resounding “yes”…
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With the copious amount of surprise LEGO products for the second half of 2015 that popped up over the last few days, I haven’t had a chance to sit back and talk about some of the newly-revealed hi-res images of the most highly-anticipated sets coming in the first half of 2015. Chief among them is the largest one of the LEGO Marvel Avengers Age of Ultron sets (no, the Helicarrier won’t be in the movie, so the LEGO Helicarrier doesn’t not count). Coming our way later this winter–it’s the LEGO Attack on Avengers Tower 76038 set!
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Though January 2015 has been an expensive month for LEGO fans, filled with new exclusives and new releases in popular themes like LEGO Star Wars, LEGO Chima and LEGO Justice League, many collectors are still feeling a bit of a void as they await the first LEGO Marvel 2015 sets. Themed for Avengers: Age of Ultron, the first 2015 LEGO Marvel sets still won’t arrive until late this winter. But as awesome as the LEGO 2015 catalog photos of the LEGO Avengers Age of Ultron sets were, I know plenty of fans have been dying to see some crisp, hi-res photos of the LEGO Marvel Age of Ultron sets. And while we still have to wait to buy it, the LEGO The Hulk Buster Smash 76031 photos have now appeared!
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Earlier this month, images leaked out from Hong Kong of a previously-unannounced LEGO Bain minifigure. With no new LEGO The Hobbit sets scheduled for release in 2015, it seemed almost certain that this exclusive Bain figure would be the pack-in for this year’s Target Exclusive The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies DVD/Blu-Ray Combo Pack. And as it so happens–it is! But why settle for one free LEGO Minifigure when you can have two?! A LEGO Bard the Bowman minifigure will also be included with the set!
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Although I don’t pick up all–or even most–of the LEGO Mixels sets released, I make it a point to always pick up the ones that I like the best. And from the 2015 LEGO Mixels Series 4 sets, the single Mixel I liked the best was the Glowkies Tribe bat, LEGO Vampos 41534. As soon as I saw images of Vampos, I thought he was irresistible. Now that I have him in-hand, is this cute vampire bat everything I’d hoped for?
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Once the Star Wars Rebels cartoon series premiered in the fall, I was instantly ready to devour any Rebels toys I could get my mitts on. Sadly, there were only two LEGO Star Wars Rebels sets in 2014–but lockout, a bunch more were ready to launch as part of the LEGO Star Wars 2015 sets!
And because I prioritized completing my Rebels crew, 75090 LEGO Ezra’s Speeder Bike was one of the first sets I ordered this year. Was this set worth my excitement? Read on…
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I’ve gone through quite a few Star Wars phases in my life, and as such, I’ve owned just about every Star Wars vehicle every in some toy form or other. But one vehicle that I’ve never previously owned before finally claimed me for the first time this month. I ordered the new LEGO T-16 Skyhopper set as soon as it went up for order specifically because I wanted the new Tusken Raider–but to my surprise, I really like the ship itself! Is the LEGO Star Wars T-16 Skyhopper 75081 set one of the most underrated LEGO 2015 sets?
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I had to go out and combat the treacherous cold last night in a mighty quest for sugar-free Rock Star (don’t ask), and my voyage brought me back to my nearest Target store. The energy drink was obtained–but more importantly, I got my first look at the new Valentine’s Day section, and the two LEGO polybags in it… including the LEGO Friends Smoothie Cart 30302 and the brand-new LEGO Swamp Police Helicopter 30311!
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