Skylanders Mega Bloks Troll Mech Assault Unboxing and Build Photos

I’ve become more than a little bit spoiled with acquiring all of the new Mega Bloks sets as soon as they’re released, so I was pretty jittery when the Mega Bloks Skylanders Giants toys started to be sighted at Toys R Us and I was unable to find any in my area. So I had to go to my old fallback and ordered the first set that came available from my favorite online Mega Bloks retailer BA Toys–the Skylanders Mega Bloks Troll Mech Assault 95413!

Pieces Skylanders Giants Mega Bloks Troll Mech Assault 95413

Seeing as how Skylanders is a property aimed at a demographic that’s a little bit younger than Halo or World of Warcraft, I was a little concerned that the Mega Bloks build might “dumb down” the build a little bit. I shouldn’t have been concerned–the Skylanders Mega Bloks Troll Mech Assault builds, looks, and feels like the same high-quality Mega Bloks that we’ve come to know and love.

The biggest part of this set (in fact, the only part of the set that you have to build) is the Gun Snout, which is referred to as the “Troll Mech” in the set name.

Skylanders Giants Mega Bloks Troll Mech Assault 95413 Step 1

Skylanders Giants Mega Bloks Troll Mech Assault 95413 Step 2

I was pleased to see the ball-joint socket used very early on in the build, as I instantly knew that the Troll Mech was going to be a lot more articulated than I was expecting it to be.

Skylanders Giants Mega Bloks Troll Mech Assault 95413 Step 3

Skylanders Giants Mega Bloks Troll Mech Assault 95413 Step 4

Skylanders Giants Mega Bloks Troll Mech Assault 95413 Step 5

Skylanders Giants Mega Bloks Troll Mech Assault 95413 Step 6

I was further surprised to see a second set of ball-joint sockets, meaning that the Gun Snout was going to have both ball-jointed hips and knees! That’s more lower-body articulation than we’ve ever seen in a Mega Bloks figure, much less a Mega Bloks vehicle!

Skylanders Giants Mega Bloks Troll Mech Assault 95413 Step 7

Skylanders Giants Mega Bloks Troll Mech Assault 95413 Step 8Once you have the Troll Mech Gun Snout standing, you can see how very cool and flexible it is. Of course, then you need to build an actual platform for a Troll to ride around on…

Skylanders Giants Mega Bloks Troll Mech Assault 95413 Step 9

Skylanders Giants Mega Bloks Troll Mech Assault 95413 Step 10

Skylanders Giants Mega Bloks Troll Mech Assault 95413 Step 11

Skylanders Giants Mega Bloks Troll Mech Assault 95413 Step 12

Skylanders Giants Mega Bloks Troll Mech Assault 95413 Step 13

Skylanders Giants Mega Bloks Troll Mech Assault 95413 Step 14

Skylanders Giants Mega Bloks Troll Mech Assault 95413 Step 16

Skylanders Giants Mega Bloks Troll Mech Assault 95413 Step 16

Skylanders Giants Mega Bloks Troll Mech Assault 95413 Step 17Are those teeth…?

Skylanders Giants Mega Bloks Troll Mech Assault 95413 Step 18…They are! It’s a face!

Skylanders Giants Mega Bloks Troll Mech Assault 95413 Step 19And voila! The Gun Snout is built and ready to wreak havoc on the world of Skylanders! Now that I’ve got this set built, what do I think of it? Is it worth a purchase? Check out my full review of the Skylanders Giants Troll Mech Assault set to find out!

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