Power Rangers Mega Bloks Bear Zord 5818 Build Photo Preview

Anyone who reads BrickAndBloks or HaloToyNews regularly knows that I am becoming a complete mark for MEGA Brands’ various Mega Bloks product lines, so I don’t think anyone will be surprised that I’m expanding into Power Rangers Mega Bloks now!

For my first set, I picked up the small-sized Power Rangers Samurai Mega Bloks Bear Zord 5818 with the Green Ranger. I’ll review the set in full here later this week, but in the meantime, you can check out this step-by-step photo preview of the Green Bear Zord coming together! 20120904-150950.jpg

First, we have a pile of green blocks, just like any other pile of green blocks (although these are much brighter green than anything in the Halo Mega Bloks or World of Warcraft Mega Bloks lines).




We add some smooth rectangular slabs, but this is mostly still a very Ninja Turtle-green build.



Finally, we’re starting to see a little bit of color (if you can consider adding black and grey blocks “color”).


Guard walls on the side and a handlebar are added on for safety reasons. It’d be a real shame if the Green Ranger wasn’t being careful and fell off the side of the Bear Zord!



A blast shield wall gets added to the front of the Bear Zord to protect the pilot. Good call!


“…and I’ll form the head!” Actually, though, the head is just a single piece that you add to a couple other small pieces before attaching to the bulky Bear Zord body.


That black and green sticker in the middle looks terrific! Does it look that good on the other side of the Bear Zord…? Well, not exactly. I’ll talk about that in the full review…


And the Mega Bloks Power Rangers Samurai Bear Zord 5818 is complete! But is he any fun? Does the Green Ranger hold onto him well and look cool on him? For that matter, is the Green Ranger Mega Bloks figure itself any good? All these questions and more will be answered later this week, when I post my full review of the Power Rangers Mega Bloks Bear Zord! Look forward to it!

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